Hello Back!

So, I have been a way, cruising the earth and savoring delicious goodies. In the meantime, my journeys have taken me to… and hope to share more later!

IMG_4895I said hello to the Queeny and believe me, she replied back… on my dreams!

20130714_183004Geneva was always herself

IMG_6205Bern said pick me, pick me but it did not ring any smile, so we just drove by!

IMG_5458Zurich said Hallo up the mountain. They speak German over there, did you know that?

IMG_5986Stopped by a little town, Baden for a few zzz’s. Loved, loved, loved it!

20141003_142831I am an artist, so Basel was calling my name. Art Basel anyone?

20130910_141457The monuments in Portugal also said Alo and I said, obrigada!