
Freedom is a choice, the right to act of your own free will, to make your own decisions without restrictions or limitations, have options without obstacles or hindrances, be the arbiter of your person without threat of prosecution. It is something I don’t take for granted nor discart as a pamphlet. Consisted of an array of decorative layers and unparallel benefits, a banner of honor of sorts, an emblem one must carry to remind oneself of those less fortunate screaming to have voice.

We live under the umbrella of “we are free to say what we feel and do whatever we want” that we often forget the world isn’t perfect as we become oblivious and accustomed to the comfort surrounding us, as there are places where a sneeze can land you in jail, your every move is monitored like a lost robot, your next door neighbor isn’t your neighbor but a bird with a mouth longer than a truck or one’s rights violated like a broken bicycle. You are expected to keep quiet, not express your free will, where living is synonymous to existing; the psyched game in its core.

I lived such a thing, fascism, communism or whatever that was but as a rebel, I have always been, “my name is,” which landed me in hot waters a few times with pride. I was never the one to see injustice and conform to it as “Shut up” were never two words I swallowed quietly. I guess I have always been my own can of soup, with a mixture of ingredients put inside a turkey; my yesterday with a story to tell.

I have been “free” for so long I have no idea how not to be “free” as I recall what being “in prison” feels like, the memories not so easily fading but at the same time, the price tag, equitable. I can’t complain, I lived comfortably under a microscope, if you can call that, living. It was a dictatorship; care to say a word?

August as It Was

In a nutshell. Mood. Hump Day. Shenanigans. Not at the top of the mountain but not at the bottom either. Hanging on as always with a smile as life is for the living and no one can’t take that away from you. August as it was, thank you. A blessed and beautiful September dear ones. Make it worthy, the month of your breakthroughs. Faith is all we got; keep it alive. Much love!

Sunday Brunch

One thing I understand about life, it can change, transform, end in an instance; like here today and gone, done, left tomorrow, hang on a chandelier, under a bus, a foot of a moving train, fly the distance like the Arctic Tern, landing on a tarmac of a runway plane kinda like it. Sometimes of our own accord, others by the graces of the Almighty and often times to no fault of our own. Things just happen and often as in many cases, we are not the drivers or on the seat, have no control of the vehicle but left to lean on the passenger seat and observe the mechanics unfolding in dismay.

Understand however, the destination has already been written, pre ordained, inscribed on the carousel of notebooks, the thrill of pandemic ecstacy, tearjerker of authentic recipes to live by. So, no point on locking horns but let be, sit on a corner, eat an avocado soup for the ages to cure and cool our worrisome souls.

It is life after all and it is left to us, individuals, to know how to navigate it, without pride, prejudice or arrogance, while maintaining perspective of what mattered, character, values and morals, who we are and/but be the best version of ourselves.