One Cold Sunday

Carcavelos beach. Lisbon. 🇵🇹

Heaven, is like lounging on a soft towel, listening to the waves as it empties on the beach, inundated by a sea of rock starts like surfers, immersing yourself on the art brazing the wall and letting go, losing your spirit in the breeze that was one cold Sunday afternoon. And just how the script read.

Praxe, The Baptism

Porto, Portugal 🇵🇹

It is that time of the year again, when many are excited to return to school or in this case, university and see their old friends and familiar places. However, nothing like your first year of college, aka Freshman, right?! It is exciting, exhilarating, new school, new town, new state or country, new life, new beginnings; you are meeting new people, making new friends, carving your niche, paving your tomorrow but in the age of Ms Rona, things have been thrown for a loop a bit. Home and a computer screen are more like it. Thank you 2020. In many cases, some countries, freshman year is marked with traditions and rituals, like an induction to a wall of fame of sorts and in Portugal it is called, Praxe. It is a rite of passage, an initiation ritual of baptism students are subjected to into the university, akin to Greek Life and their pledges, “the ripping of the traditional academic suit of the students when they finish their first cycle of studies.” It is interesting thing to observe, with some students eager to experience. Here’s to life and new beginnings. Make it count. Make it worth. Cheers!

Glance At The Wonderland

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I wish I knew tomorrow, its color, door, smell, language, breath, embrace, warmth, style, makeup, mathematics, stories. I wish I could hold it on my arms boogie on all the way down the train downtown, make my best accessory du jour but I don’t know tomorrow. I know, however, it is always promising, full of accolades and blessings, dance and music, books and pens. It is never perfect but perfect enough for I to call it mine, drive through with my rooftop up, shootout to whoever at the bus stop that I have spoken to the Man Up Upstairs and He told me to tighten the seatbelt, buckle up, sit still and breathe. I got this, He said and I replied, ok, my seat is up, decorated and ready to mingle with tomorrow.

©️ Angela Aguiar