The Quest For One Mint Blood Moon Picture

Taken with my cell

Taken with my cell

It is official, I need better lens or perhaps, a better camera. Any Padrinho (Godfather. In Portuguese culture, the person is not only responsible for the child’s religion education but also to shower the child with gifts at any occasion) out there?

Something happened on the way to the Blood Moon, seriously it did. Is it a fact that I woke up in the middle of the night, wee hours of the morning, to see the Blood Moon? Yes. Is it a fact that my Cannon Eos Rebel camera was not cooperating due to low light and distance? Yes. Is it a fact that I took some pictures that resemble flashy cascading red balls in the air then a moon with my Cannon EFS 55-220 range lens? Yes. Is it a fact that they resemble a locomotive in the air? Yes. Better yet, uncoordinated lines. Oh, the life of an amateur photographer. Yes, it is never perfect. Hope, you enjoy these beautiful moon and it’s sidekick stars or something that resembles it, hence the white lines, pictures I so kindly took. Syke, I guess the joke was on me. It was red alright. Beautiful. Powerful. Phenomenal. Nature in motion!

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